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Awaken my ear to listen as a disciple.   

Isaiah 50:4 (NASB)

“Be silent [catch your breath] all flesh, before the Lord; for He is aroused from His holy habitation.” “Quiet, everyone! Shh! Silence before God. Something’s afoot in his holy house. He’s on the move!”

- Zechariah 2:13, NASB and MSG 

“The Lord is in His holy temple; let all the earth hush and keep silence before Him.”  “Oh! God is in his holy Temple! Quiet everyone—a holy silence. Listen!”

– Habakkuk 2:20, AMP and MSG

“Hush! [Catch your breath!] Be silent before the Lord God.”  “Quiet now! Reverent silence before me, God, the Master!”

– Zephaniah 1:7, AMP and MSG

As noisy as our world is, often the greater noise pollution is internal—our own thoughts.


Examine where you spend your mental time and energy. Is it a hospitable place for God’s still small voice? We can have the mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:16).


Ask him to take your thoughts captive to Christ as in 2 Corinthians 10:5.


Deliberately set your mind on things above (Colossians 3:1-2). New mental pathways can form, overriding even the most well worn, hardened trails.

These have helped me repel the "kelele" (Swahili for loud, insistent, pushy noise).
Try them!
  • Focus upon Christ, the Speaker, and be slow to speak.

    • Set a chair for Him; it may help your focus.

  • Whisper the name “Jesus” as prayer multiple times in your day.

  • Ask “What!?” followed by a pause. Make it a habit. Listen for an answer.


Am I missing anything here?

  • Place reminders in your pathways. Tape “What’s happening?” on the desk, window sill, mirror.

  • Relax the schedule to make time for listening. Park in a distant space, or sit alone for lunch.

  • Set aside a time and dedicate a place for conversation with the Lord.

  • Be faithful in quiet time with God early, before the day commences.

  • Take an extra walk to the copier for a mini God-conversation.

  • Reduce distractions: leave phone behind, cut off music.

  • Stairwells are usually quiet, so walk and listen rather than ride the populated elevator.


  •  Frequently ask God, “Am I missing anything here?’  Then look and listen.

  • Schedule a day of solitude and quiet retreat to sharpen hearing. Add fasting.

  • When you find yourself talking to yourself, invite God to join the conversation.

  • Strengthen the conversation in the back of your head -- called prayer without ceasing.

  • Remember dialogue with God isn’t a monologue.  Allow plenty of space for his response.                                                                Catch Your Breath!,  Linda Rice

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