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Set Your Sails Logo_edited.jpg

A ten-part series from the experiences and longings of Jim & Linda Rice, designed to provoke a hunger for revival

        --a deeper abiding in Christ,

         --a greater step into God’s requirements,

         --a tighter Spirit-binding to the Body,

         --an excitement for what God will do.

(Click on #1 below to begin.) 

  1. Plant feet solidly upon deck of Worship 

  2. Work Humility before God into the rigging

  3. Lean into God’s love and desire for all

  4. Secure the ropes with Humility before man                                                         "Forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors"

  5. Hoist confession of sin and self to the Lord daily

  6. Lone sailors wash overboard—a crew is necessary

  7. Harmonize with the crew:  labor as one

  8. One destination—everyone striving toward it

  9. Hold lines taut with great expectations

  10. Strain to pray, seek His face—life depends on it

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