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A Story…  A great expanse of water and a miniscule ferry!  Ours was the 4th car onto a platform designed for 3 vehicles.  Two small motors on either side s-l-o-w-l-y propelled us toward the Sese Islands of Lake Victoria. With five-month-old Kristen in a back pack, Jim and I began to have second thoughts.  These vanished as we stepped ashore—swaying palm plantations, springs flowing from rock walls, dense forest, huge ferns, chattering monkeys.  Birds-of-Paradise darted about with long white tails fluttering behind brilliant blue bodies.  Our work was equally amazing, arriving unannounced, preaching to students, enrolling them in Bible Way Correspondence School, good discussions, and two became followers of Christ. 


Then the return journey!  Between Friday and Monday one engine died.  If the first ride was slow, the return was excruciating.  Propelled in ever increasing circles, we alternately faced our destination and the island we just left.  The operators couldn’t agree on strategy.  Their debates added drama.  This is NOT the way to move across a vast deep lake.  After an additional hour we reached shore. 


Work on it:  Are we, God’s people, all aiming for the same goal?  Are we all pulling toward the same end?  The goal is not an earthly Kingdom!  Do I yearn for His Kingdom to expand today, in this place, these people?  Is my compelling focus the increase of His glory through my activity?  How does this reorient my decisions today?  Discuss with a thoughtful believer:  What is God’s purpose in this day for me, as a part of God’s people?


Xtras!   Distractions and detours are weapons of Satan.  Plan an extra hour into your next journey.  Make several wrong turns and wind your way back to the intended route.  Allow your whims to dictate a stop along the way.  Later think over that journey.  Ask the Holy Spirit to teach.  What detours cause you to pull the sails in the wrong direction?  What stops cause you to veer off course?     Go to:  HUSH   See Settling Struggles:  Restlessness, A Simple Pilgrim’s Prayer 

* Tell someone of God’s Gospel Goodness.

* Ask someone to share their God Story.

* Join one or two in prayer for Revival.

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